Title:From Network Virtualization to Blockchain Virtualization: Virtualization for Distributed Ledger Technology (vDLT)
Abstract:Although distributed ledger technology (DLT) (e.g., blockchain) has great potential to create new foundations for our economic and social systems, the existing DLT has a number of drawbacks (e.g., scalability) that prevent it from being used as a generic platform for distributed ledger across the globe. In this talk, we present a novel virtualization approach to address the challenges in the existing DLT systems. Virtualization has been playing a central role in addressing these challenges in the IT landscape. Specifically, in the proposed virtualization for DLT (vDLT), the underlying resources (e.g., hardware, compute, storage, network, etc.) are abstracted. By providing a logical view of resources, vDLT can significantly improve the performance, facilitate system evolution, and simplify DLT management and configuration. Several use cases of vDLT will be presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed vDLT.
于非, F. Richard Yu,IEEE Fellow、IET Fellow、加拿大卡尔顿大学终身教授。2003年在加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学获得博士学位。从2002年到2006年,在瑞典爱立信总部工作及美国加州创业公司工作。2006年开始任职于加拿大卡尔顿大学。出版专著6部,已授权专利27项,在国际上重要的期刊、杂志和会议上发表了210 多篇SCI 检索的论文、450 余篇EI 检索的论文。工作被全球同行广泛引用(10,000多次GoogleScholar引用;H-index为61)。担任多个国际核心期刊编委,包括IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech. (IF: 4.432) (互联车辆系列首席编辑),Comm. Surveys&Tutorials (IF: 20.230) (网络安全领域主编)等。IEEE Veh. Tech. Society 副主席,IEEE区块链应用标准化委员会主席,IEEE绿色通信与计算技术委员会主席。